In-House Vacuum Decay Leak Detection and Package Seal Integrity Testing
The Sealtick TSE 6086b is a semi-automated device for rapid vacuum decay leak detection and package seal integrity testing used in the food processing, pharmaceutical and medical industries.
Using the principle of vacuum decay, it checks the effectiveness of packaging designed to protect products from moisture, oxygen and biological contaminants, all of which could negatively affect the quality of the product and reduce shelf life.
Providing quantitative results – independent of the skill of the operator – the system provides a pass or fail in only five to 15 seconds and saves the results in its internal memory. The data can then be stored for up to 30 days and retrieved using an Ethernet connection.
The stainless-steel construction and touchscreen operation make it suitable for use in food processing, pharmaceutical and medical production environments, where hygiene and cleanliness are imperative.
The vacuum decay test is non-destructive and does not stress or inflate the packaging, meaning that once the test is complete, the package can be returned to the production line, therefore, reducing waste.
The Sealtick TSE 6086b is suitable for use on all flexible and rigid packaging in a wide range of shapes and sizes without adjustment and can detect very small leaks as well as gross leaks, even in packages with little headspace.
The operator can set and customise the test parameters and save these in the method menu, allowing you to recall an appropriate pre-programmed test method for the type of package you need to test.
Utilising the unique Flexivac collapsible bag design, there is no need to use specialised tooling or waste valuable downtime testing different packaging formats. The Sealtick TSE 6086b can be used to test individual or multiple packages.
The compact, stand-alone unit can be used for different seal testing applications in a variety of production lines. All you need is mains power and compressed air for vacuum generation.
Flexivac Operating Principle
Packaging is placed in the Flexivac collapsible bag and the operating handle is moved to the closed position, sealing the bag. The bag is evacuated to a predetermined level of vacuum and left to stabilise for a short period. A sensor measures the vacuum level over the entire testing cycle.

By measuring the rate of vacuum change over the leak cycle, the potential leak rate profile can be determined and compared with the acceptance criteria for the selected test method. The user can set and customise the test parameters and save these in the method menu, allowing a preprogrammed test method to be recalled appropriate for the type of package that needs to be tested.